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Kid swim party - drop off. 

Date:  Friday, Sept 15th 4-7p

$35 per school aged child or $80 for all of your school aged kids - IF PURCHASING FOR MORE THAN 2 KIDS, PLEASE EMAIL ANNEKE ( TO HAVE PRICE ADJUSTED BEFORE PAYING YOUR INVOICE.

Guest Limit: 40 kids

Hosted by Kruger, Hockett, and Shinsky Families. 


Kid swim party - drop off. 

Date:  Friday, Sept 15th 4-7p

$35 per school aged child or $80 for all of your school aged kids - IF PURCHASING FOR MORE THAN 2 KIDS, PLEASE EMAIL ANNEKE ( TO HAVE PRICE ADJUSTED BEFORE PAYING YOUR INVOICE.

Guest Limit: 40 kids

Hosted by Kruger, Hockett, and Shinsky Families. 


Kid swim party - drop off. 

Date:  Friday, Sept 15th 4-7p

$35 per school aged child or $80 for all of your school aged kids - IF PURCHASING FOR MORE THAN 2 KIDS, PLEASE EMAIL ANNEKE ( TO HAVE PRICE ADJUSTED BEFORE PAYING YOUR INVOICE.

Guest Limit: 40 kids

Hosted by Kruger, Hockett, and Shinsky Families.